- Sold in packs of 12
- 15ML
- 13" in length
- Flocklined
- Embossed grip on palm and fingers
- Covers forearm
- Chlorine washed
- Nitrile for solvent resistance
- Anti-slip pattern for excellent grip in wet or dry conditions
- FDA performance for use with food
$ 32.00
$ 17.00
$ 28.80
$ 32.00
$ 13.99
$ 72.85
$ 150.00
$ 62.53
$ 81.29
$ 53.56
$ 69.63
$ 80.99
$ 57.19
$ 74.35
$ 47.88
$ 62.24
$ 55.74
$ 72.46
$ 67.74
$ 88.06